



24 July, 2021

11:00am – 11:10am  Welcome and Recitation of Holy Quran
11:10am – 11:25am  Mr. Abdirahman Muse Abdi, DG, National Insurance Authority
11:25am – 11:35am Mr. Mohamoud Nour Duale, Consultant, National Insurance Authority
11:35am-11:45am Mr. Omer Haji Hussein, Takaful Insurance
11:45am-11:55am Mr. Abdikarim Ali Gas, Amanah Insurance
11:55am-12:05pm Mr. Omer Shuaib Mohamed, East Africa Insurance
12:05pm-12:15pm   Mr. Abdirashid Baaxeer, Stakeholder
12:15pm-12:25pm Suldan Suleiman Boqor Osman, Role of culture
12:15pm-12:35pm Mr. Jamal Aidid Ibrahim, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce
12:35pm-12:50pm Sahra Adan Yousuf, Deputy Chairman of National Insurance Authority
12:50pm-1:20pm Mr. Ali Ibrahim Jama, Chairman of Central Bank of Somaliland
1:20pm-1:35pm Mr. Abdilahi Abokor, Minister of Transport and Road Development


Mr. Suleiman Awad Ali (Bukhaari), Chairman of National Insurance Authority


Welcome and Official Remarks, Mr. Abdirahman Muse Abdi, DG, National Insurance Authority

The National Insurance Authority has announced that from 24 July 2021, motorists will be obligated to take out insurance. A meeting held at the Authority’s office was assembled by the private insurance companies, traditional leaders, government officials as well as other officials. The meeting was first explained and disseminated by the Director General of the National Insurance Agency, Mr. Abdirahman Muse Abdi, who started his speech by and greeting the Governor of Central Bank of Somaliland who is a member of the board of the National Insurance Authority, the Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Deputy Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce who is a member of the board of the National Insurance Authority, the Executives from the Insurance Companies, the Advisors of the National Insurance Authority, the Role of Cultures, the Stakeholders, other members of the government, renowned guests and the staff of the National Insurance Authority, welcome to our press conference. Firstly, we would like to thank you for taking the time by fulfilling your promise and attending this press conference. We apologize for the minor delay which was due to technical issue but thankfully, it is all sorted out now.

The purpose of our meeting today has only one objective and that objective is to publish the recent circular issued by the National Insurance Authority. The circular states, I will share it with the media as well. The circular states, “That compulsory Third-Party Motor Insurance” is mandatory starting from today, 24 July 2021.  The decree aims that people who utilize the different types of transport should be ordered to take the Third-Party Insurance. What do I mean by Third-Party Insurance? Third-Party Insurance means for instance, if an accident occurs that the other side should cover. This circular, which we have brought today, will make it easier to use the port because the vehicles and cars that uses the road from Berbera to Wajale was previously uninsured. If there is an accident, there will be a lot of problems. The task we have brought today, this circular, is a solution to this long standing issue that has often stood in the way. Today we can say it can be used in Berbera and Wajaale. That is the crucial message and information we want to share with the Ethiopian vehicles today.”

Mr. Omer Haji Hussein, Takaful Insurance

Officials from the private insurance company also spoke, welcoming the decision by the National Insurance Authority. Mr. Omer Haji Hussein said, “This is the first circular in Somaliland’s history to obligate motorists to take out insurance. We as a company are very welcoming this milestone that we have reached. We welcome you with open arms and open hearts because it is something we have been waiting for a long time and it is good for the country. Anyone who thinks the country is not good will come to us and we will convince them.”

Mr. Abdikarim Ali Gas, Amanah Insurance

Today is a joyous occation for us, if we are the Insurance Companies that the first circular which obligates all motorists to take out insurance was implemented. This will take a huge burden from the Somaliland people. Insurance is an essential need that was discovered and it is something that is needed in the interest of our economy. It is something that will grow our economy as a whole. Today is a historic day because we took the first step of making all motorists to take out insurance. This will bring huge benefits to the Somaliland community especially those who use transport and also to compensate for their losses. What is being mandated today is the damage they are doing.

With that being said, we are welcoming this achievement. We are thanking the Chairman, the Deputy-Chairman and the Director General of the National Insurance Authority for their hard work, and the rest of the work will be completed.

Mr. Omer Shuaib Mohamed, East Africa Insurance

Today, we are very happy because the we want to thank the National Insurance Authority for making this milestone possible. The National Insurance Authority was only operating for few months  now but the speed they are moving is impressive to say the least. In our country, one of the most important things is to at least insure vehicles. I truly want to congratulate the National Insurance Authority, for their relentless efforts.

Mr. Abdirashid Baaxeer, Stakeholder

I would like to warn against one thing. Every project that comes to our country is hindered by the understanding of our society. If we say today that we are going to get petrol and gold, our people who will be given the petrol and gold might fight the idea and that is mainly because they do not understand the purpose and meaning behind it. I strongly encourage insurance companies and the National Insurance Authority and the media to develop a program that satisfies their interest in taking out insurance.

Suldan Suleiman Boqor Osman, Role of Culture

When an animal gets thirsty, they still avoid to drink water regardless. Thus, they are forced to drink water. When they taste the water and realized it is sweet, then they decide to drink on their own. Hence, if we have to, we will torture the individuals who are against this idea of insurance. Speaking on behalf of the Traditional Leaders, it is a great pleasure for us to be part of this cause. We fully welcome this idea and we will also take part in its implementation.

Mr. Mohamoud Nor Duale, Consultant, National Insurance Authority

I am greeting the Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Governor of Central Bank of Somaliland, the Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Deputy Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, the Executives from the different Insurance Companies and other prestigious guests.  For me, it is a joyous day to attend this press conference and also to be part of this cause. I believe, I was involved in this insurance concept for the longest. This Authority to reach this milestone, I was part of it or I was aware of it. If we don’t work with this Authority and don’t support it, it will not work.  There is a reason why the motor insurance is compulsory. Motor and insurance go hand in hand and they need each other. Motor has an advantage and a disadvantage. People didn’t fully understand the disadvantages back then. The disadvantage is that it is a killer. Thus, if you are for instance buying a vehicle or a car, you should take responsibility. Finally, there was a solution and it was because since motors are killers and you are still willing to buy them, you should consult with a someone and that someone became the insurance. Hence, insurance and motor rely on one another.    As the saying goes, what people don’t know is their enemy. Thus, when people find out the benefits of insurance, it will take a lot of burden from our community. The car I am driving in Hargeisa today, when I run into an accident, neither the Islamic law nor the Christian law have the right for me to take “mag” from a woman in the country side. Thus, I’m happily welcoming this idea and looking forward to it.

Mr. Jamal Aidid Ibrahim, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce

As most people articulated, today is an important day that will make a mark on Somaliland’s history to announce the first circular, the Compulsory Third-Party Motor Insurance. The President of Somaliland is the first president to elect this Authority and thus, he is part of the cause. Looking at the problems in our country, I don’t think this Authority will get any propaganda because we clearly need this Third-Party Motor Insurance. Most of the problems in our country are caused by motor (vehicles and cars). Those motor problems knock on every door in the country and everyone is aware of the pandemonium is it creating in the country. Almost everyone in our community is dealing with problems regarding motor and they are struggling to pay the damage cost. We are not that good in preventing but when things happen, we usually come up with solutions. In my opinion, I think the rest of the few things that are incomplete will be completed soon. I also think that the message was delivered and if the message was delivered, it will take effect. This is because the problems that our community is dealing with, this insurance will mitigate those dilemmas and that is our common interest. I am thanking the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director General of the National Insurance Authority for taking this big step and making this possible and we are happy that we worked with them along the way. We are just telling the people, the problems regarding motor and vehicles, a well thought and practical solution has been discovered and those problems are lifted off the community’s shoulders.

Sahra Adan Yousuf, Deputy Chairman of National Insurance Authority

The Deputy Chairman started her speech by greeting everyone with the Islamic greeting. We are amiably welcoming everyone and we are very happy how well it was attended this organized press conference which is about the circular that was announced, the Compulsory Third-Party Motor Insurance which is crucial and that our country utterly needs it. Starting from today, the motor in our country are obligated to take out insurance, Third-Party Motor Insurance which is mandatory. This is very important to our community and everyone should get involved. Everyone should think about the future of our nation, the future of our people and the future of our society. What is insured is not what you intended. What is insured is something that you did not anticipated. A problem that you are dealing with and getting any compensation to help your situation. That is the goal we are trying achieve, to make sure that every vehicle is insured and that will have a tremendous positive impact in our society in the future.

Mr. Ali Ibrahim Jama, Chairman of Central Bank of Somaliland

I want to congratulate the Management Team of the National Insurance Authority. The Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director General of the National Insurance Authority because as  mentioned, they delivered this huge milestone effectively and efficiently.  The only idea that stands in the way is to give people orientation and make them understand what insurance is. Even now most people may not have heard of insurance. It is important to pay attention to the benefits of the insurance.

Mr. Sulieman Awad Ali (Bukhaari), Chairman of National Insurance Authority

The Chairman of the National Insurance Authority warmly welcomed the Governor of Central Bank of Somaliland, the Deputy Chairman of the National Insurance Authority, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, government officials, the Traditional Elders, the Management from the Insurance Companies, the Consultants of the National Insurance Authority, the Stakeholders and other prominent guests, thank you for attending this press conference.

The need for insurance is now being felt by traditional leaders and the general public because everyone is fed up by car accidents causing to pay “mag”. Perhaps the “mag” is a lot, and thus, it is proposed that the owner of the car and the person who is herding their sheep in the countryside should both pay for the price of the “mag”. This has led to many complaints and challenges. Hence, it became a good idea and both the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds have agreed that individuals with the same interest should work together.

We are saying, this is our interest. It is the interest of our nation. It is the interest of our people. It is necessary. It is our life. Henceforth, we should get ready.  The deadline is six months and so, until January 2022, we are expecting every vehicle to be insured. Therefore, vehicles should start taking the insurance as soon as tomorrow. The plan is for the last vehicle to be insured in January 2022. If by some chance, they don’t take the insurance, they should not be allowed to use the road as a result. The paperwork and activities for this milestone are ready and in place. As of today, 24 July 2021, that decree has come into force.


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